Digital signature warning
The executables of the current versions of the suite and the installer program are not yet digitally signed. Therefore, Windows or its antivirus can give you a warning in its installation or execution.
Temporarily and to give you more confidence, all the files have been analyzed on the web: with favorable results and at the same time update the databases of the most important antivirus.How to install the MSC Radio Automation suite from scratch.
For any of the instructions described here, it is essential to start the operating system with administrator permissions.
The installer program automatically installs the two essential services it requires. But if you prefer or have problems in this phase, here is a description of the steps to follow.
1 – Install the Mysql Server data server.
ATTENTION. For network configurations, the installation of this server should only be done on the computer that works as a server, the rest should only specify its address.
The installer program already provides you with the possibility of automatic installation of this service. But the latest available version is not provided, if you prefer follow the instructions to install the latest version.
Note: The default password for automatic installation is: rootmsc, take note of the password if you have decided to change it.
1.1 Download the latest version of the data server. choose the MySQL Community Server version. Select the Windows platform and download the first MySQL Installer for Windows option.
1.2 Start the installation of the data server.
In the Setup Type section, choose the “Server only” option. If you have knowledge of database administration you can install the other features
1.3 Configuration
Config type: If the computer you will use is not a computer dedicated exclusively to the data server function, choose the “Development Machine” option.
Port: by default 3306, the option “Open Firewall port for network access” checked.
Choose a password for the administrator user (called “root”).
Windows Service Details All options by default.
Write down the password, host or IP and port.
This program must be installed as a Windows service. To check it go to ‘Configuration Control panel performance and maintenance administration tools services’ or execute the instruction “services.msc” there you must list all the services you have and among them one called MySql configured to start automatically.
2 – Install Microsoft.Net Framework.
This installation is necessary to provide the required components in applications developed with .NET technology. It is possible that it has already been installed. To check it go to ‘ Control Panel Add and remove programs ‘.
Note: It is only necessary for windows XP and windows 7, later versions of windows already have this framawork version as standard.
The installer program already gives you the option to install it automatically, but if you prefer, deactivate the option and go manually with its installation.
2.1 Download version 4.5 if you are installing the X64 bit version of the suite by going to … Run the installer and proceed to the end.
2.2 Download version 4.0 if you are installing the X32 bit version of the suite by going to … Run the installer and proceed to the end.
3 – Start of the installation of the MSC Automation Suite.
Only install the programs you need on each PC according to its function.
The installer program gives you four options:
1. Complete installation.
2. Installation for continuity. Autonomous programs to guarantee automatic broadcasting.
3. Installation for management. System management, programming definition and others.
4. Installation for the realization of the live. Virtual players to assist and simplify the realization of live programs.
The first time any program is run or when an update requires it, it will show the initialization / update screen.
In this screen we can do two things:
3.1 Create the database and initial parameters.
You can use the default values by clicking on the corresponding button. To proceed at this point you will need the parameters that have been provided in point 1.3 (remember, if you have opted for automatic installation without changes: administrator user: root, password: rootmsc).
Fill in the parameters of the initial data:
Radio Name: Name of your station.
Description: Small texts to describe the connection.
Host: IP address or host where the MySQL server is located (provided in section 1.3).
DBS Name: Name of the database on the MySQL server.
Port: Access port of the connection to the MySQL server (provided in section 1.3).
User: Name of the user that will be created to access the data.
Password: The user’s keyword that will be created to access the database.
User secret key: Secret password to encrypt passwords and sensitive information.
Root directory files: Directory where audio files will be saved. For network configurations, you must have read and write permissions on the network.
User Admin: User with permissions to manage the MySQL server (default “root”).
Administrator password: Password of the administrator user (provided in section 1.3).
Once the database is created, the data system must also be updated using the corresponding buttons that appear.
3.2 Set the configuration on other computers to access existing data.
To set the necessary parameters to access the database on other computers, run the MSC Management program (where it is already installed) and go to / Automation / System parameters / Configuration / Access connection. Select the first connection and click export.
A file will be generated to be able to set the configuration on the other computers.
Installing the programs on the other PCs and when the initialization screen appears, go to the ‘Access data’ section. You only need to import the previously created file and click on the “generate” button located at the bottom.
If you have problems, incidence or need any clarification, do not hesitate to contact us through the channels we have at your disposal.
Make it possible
These programs are fully operational and can be used freely with no economic cost.
But this does not mean that the development of these programs does not have a cost. The business model we propose is a collaborative model where our clients pay us to be able to develop the new functionalities, to adapt them to the needs of each case, to be assured that the anomalies will be resolved in the minimum possible time. All this constitutes a community to move forward together.
Global service
The true potential of this system is automatic connectivity with all parts of a current radio station.
• Web hosting: Dynamic web page with updated information without any additional tasks. Calendar, now we do, sections for each program, radiation history, etc.
• Modern and functional player, without interruptions when browsing the web.
• Podcasting: Automatic publication of the podcasting for the programs, with segmentation of the file by sections. Example:
• Streaming: broadcast Unlimited listeners at maximum quality, dynamic Metadata information according to the broadcast.
For more information:
MSC Radio Automation | The radio in the cloud